Chapter meetings are generally held at local airports across our area on the third Saturday of each month. Our locations are selected by members volunteering to host a meeting in their area, or at an airport of their choice. If you would like us to visit us, check out our calendar below and contact us if you have any questions!



2025 Chapter Meetings

Calendar is flexible. If you’d like to host a meeting, let us know!

  • January 11, 2025: Zoom meeting 10 am CST/11:00 am EST. This will be a 40 minute meeting with brief reports from officers and committees, plus sharing time for your aviation/training questions. Please try to attend. You don’t want to miss out on important information. Contact Janice if you need the link!
  • February 8: Zoom meeting/ Cookies to your local airport?
  • March 8: Griffith Airport, Tricia DeBlock, host
  • April 12: Valparaiso Airport, Diana Austin, host
  • May: Elkhart Airport, TJ Shaum, Marilyn Horvath, hosts
  • June: La Porte Aviation Camp sponsored by La Porte Airport. Volunteers always needed to give airplane rides, teach a class, chaperone the campers
  • July: International Meeting Michigan City Airport FOP Pancake Breakfast?
  • August: South Bend or La Porte Airport Air Fair?
  • September: La Porte Airport Air Fair?? and Fall Section Meeting
  • October: Trick or Treat at the Scairport, LaPorte Airport
  • November: Planning meeting, La Porte Airport, Janice Welsh, host
  • December: Holiday Event (need someone to volunteer to do this)